
Thanks for reading. I am a 31 33 year old guy, married to the most beautiful 30 32 year old woman in the world. We have been battling male factor infertility and also endometriosis and a curved uterus. We feel we have improved our odds through acupuncture. We have now completed 9 IUIs and 4 IVFs. IVF #2 gave us our first positive pregnancy result ever but sadly, ended after 5 weeks. IVF #4, which was slated to our last try and was our only frozen embryo transfer, provided a pregnancy which we are still celebrating. Due date is February 23, 2013.

I have shared the history of our process here through various posts and I am still giving updates. This is a place for me to share my feelings and the male perspective of battling this infuriating battle, and then going through a pregnancy with my wife. I hope it helps all of us involved in infertility a chance to heal a bit and get a bit of hope, together.

17 responses to “About

  1. Hi – I just wanted to say that I was so glad to find an infertility blog that was written by a man. My husband and I are suffering with infertility as well – MFI and PCOS. It’s a rough road, and we’ve got a long way to go before we have children, since we have to find and use a sperm donor.

    I can’t get my husband to talk about his feelings much, although his actions show me that he is really upset that having kids is infinitely more difficult for us than it was for the dozens of girls that got knocked up while he was in high school.

    Thank you for sharing your story. I think it’s important for women to see how infertility affects ya’ll. I’d really like to add a link to your blog from mine, if you don’t mind.

    Thanks – and I’m sending you lots of baby dust! I hope you get the BFP tomorrow!

    • Be patient with your husband. I’ve already got some comments from the wife that she’s learning stuff about how I feel from here! I haven’t done as good of a job verbally…it’s tough for us!

      Good luck with your journey. I am thinking of you.

  2. Hey Sebastian – I’m over from the Twitter feed, and I’m kind of trying to reach out to some of the guys out there that have gone through, or are going through this whole infertility circus. I’ve recently published a book that I wish I’d had when I was going through it and I’m hoping the story will help guys deal with this stuff in an environment where all the books seem to be from women. Anyway, if you wanted to review, or just give me a shout on twitter (@michaelcbarr) or whatever, that’d be swell. Here’s the link: http://www.amazon.com/Swimming-Circles-Chase-Odyssey-ebook/dp/B004SC1NLQ/

    I do hope the best for you and your family –

    – Michael

      • Twinks are in a waaaaay better position than my Mariners! I write over at fangraphs.com if you ever want to check in on the fantasy baseball nerd-fest.

        Please let me know what you think of the book, and if it’s worthy – give it a review.

  3. Hi,

    Stopped over on your blog from Twitter. THANK YOU for being open and real, relaying your male perspective thru infertility. I’ve read a little bit of your blog and my heart goes out to you and your wife during this trying time. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

    With my experience leading a Christian Infertility Support group for women, there is not much ‘out there’, regarding hearing from the male and his perspective. Hopefully, I can glean from your experience to help, pass it on and aid others in their journey.

    I have a website, Dancing Upon Barren Land ~ Spiritual Nourishment for the Infertility Road. It was ‘born’ out of my own painful journey and listening to countless other women and couples internationally who struggle with infertility. I share my account thru blog posts of how God has been faithful to hear the cries of the infertile and to share infertility etiquette, prayers and Christian resources, etc. Hope you can check it out sometime. I love to pray, so if you have a prayer need or upcoming fertility treatment, please contact me thru the website.

    God loves you and your wife, Sebastian, He has not forgotten about your desire for a family. Praying that God Almighty will guide you along this path with His peace in this time.

    Thank you for sharing, you are helping more people than you know.


  4. So refreshing to read a male perspective on this challenging issue. Please visit our site and let us know if there is a particular topic that would be of value for you to read more about on our blogs.
    Thanks, and the very best wishes to you,

  5. Thank you for sharing it is good to hear about infertility from a male perspective. Especially as the wife of one of the few 5%.

  6. Pingback: Husband shoots blanks:( - Trying To Conceive Forum

  7. I just wrote an ebook called “Shooting Blanks: a husbands perspective on missing the mark and dealing with infertility” and was wondering if you would be interested in reviewing it for your blog or if you would like me to write a guest post. Either way I’d be happy to send you a free copy to read.

  8. My husband and I age in different age gaps. I am 23 and he is 45 with already 2 kids ages 10 and 6. We have been trying to convince for awhile now at first I thought it was me, but later found out that due to the steroids my husband has been on for 5+ years his sperm count is at 5 % chance. He said it’s a def that he will not be able to fertil. He’s been pushing for a divorce because he says he does not want me to miss out of life and experience my first… it’s been a roller coaster of emotions. I have asked to see a different doctor but he is in denial and yells he will not ever have a kid again what can I do …?.

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